
About Us

Founded in 2018, Bangkok.rb aims to grow the community for the Ruby programming language in Thailand! We organize a monthly meetup called Ruby Tuesday in Bangkok, Thailand. We also host the acclaimed RubyConf Thailand attracting speakers and attendees from all over the world.


A big thank you to all of our volunteers who help make our events happen from 2018 to today!

Conference - RubyConf TH

In 2019, we hosted the first RubyConfTH in Bangkok, Thailand. After a enforced break due to COVID, we returned in 2022 with another two-day conference attracting speakers and attendees from all over the world. We returned in 2023 for our third conference, featuring Matz as our headline keynote. We're looking for people who would be interested in running a future conference, so do get in touch!

Watch Videos from past conferences

Meetup - Ruby Tuesday

We meet on the last Tuesday of every month in central Bangkok for talks about Ruby and other interesting software development topics! We use to organize our monthly events, so you can find the date of our next meetup there. If you'd like to give a talk, we're always looking for speakers! See the Get Involved section to find out how to suggest a talk.

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Get Involved

The easiest way to get involved is to join our Slack group! We post information about upcoming events, and you can ask questions about Ruby and software development in general, as well as volunteering to help out at events

Join our Slack

We're always looking for speakers for our monthly Ruby Tuesday events. The talk doesn't have to be specifically about Ruby, any topic of interest to software developers is welcome!

Suggest a talk

You can also follow us on social media!

Bangkok.rb social media:

RubyConfTH social media: